AAAWA and ADEP Co-host Virtual Panel Discussion: “Beyond Refuge: Migrants Resist Detention” on 7/24/20

The Afghan American Artists’ and Writers’ Association and the Afghan Diaspora for Equality and Progress are proud to present “Beyond Refuge: Migrants Resist Detention”, a virtual panel discussion featuring activists, lawyers, and human rights advocates. Join us this Friday July 24, 2020 at 7pm EST/4pm PST.

Visit to register for this FREE event.

This panel discussion is focused on developing a better understanding of how migrants are politically conscious people who are resisting the violence of the states in which they are seeking protection. It aims to move beyond the narrative that migrants are simply passive victims of humanitarian aid. We have a dynamic set of panelists on board, including Afghan organizers who have worked with refugees in Greece and have had personal experience with this issue. We look forward to an informative and thoughtful discussion!